Maureen Béguin / Maureen Morin
MTB#6 Maureen Morin is a Real_estate_agent
Festival “I hear a new world”
Invitée par Luna Duchaufour Lawrence & Baptiste De Laubier
You follow Maureen’s voice blasting from a talkie-walkie
it brings you to the roof of the building ...
She announces you that YOU were chosen to invest for the transformation of la Tour Orion into a DATA CENTER!
So many new places to discover: here, a co-working office - there, a big huge conference room and over here, a secret server room for your swiss bank accounts...
Lulu Damianthe is guiding the audience with Maureen along the way for safety and harmony...
YOU are about to have champagne celebratory drinks but another Maureen invites you over a velvety brown room to sit down and chill. She is in her pyjamas in front of her computer, going from website to website and talking about love messages, going across the world, from data centers to data centers, making her hot and steamy. She creates on sketchup some drawings of new data centers. Colorful...
my nudes are hotter that they seem
mes nudes sont plus chaud qu’il n’y parait -
ils passent dans tellement de disques tout durs que quand il arrive à toi après des milliers de
Tu savais que les data centers était full d’eau fraiche dans des tubes pour rafraichir les ordi qui chauffent?
T’as déjà passé la journée près de 60 ordinateurs qui envoie des coeurs ?
J’ai reçu ton sms: c’était humide.
MTB#6 Maureen Morin is a Real_estate_agent
Festival “I hear a new world”
Invitée par Luna Duchaufour Lawrence & Baptiste De Laubier
You follow Maureen’s voice blasting from a talkie-walkie
it brings you to the roof of the building ...
She announces you that YOU were chosen to invest for the transformation of la Tour Orion into a DATA CENTER!
So many new places to discover: here, a co-working office - there, a big huge conference room and over here, a secret server room for your swiss bank accounts...
Lulu Damianthe is guiding the audience with Maureen along the way for safety and harmony...
YOU are about to have champagne celebratory drinks but another Maureen invites you over a velvety brown room to sit down and chill. She is in her pyjamas in front of her computer, going from website to website and talking about love messages, going across the world, from data centers to data centers, making her hot and steamy. She creates on sketchup some drawings of new data centers. Colorful...

my nudes are hotter that they seem
mes nudes sont plus chaud qu’il n’y parait -
ils passent dans tellement de disques tout durs que quand il arrive à toi après des milliers de
Tu savais que les data centers était full d’eau fraiche dans des tubes pour rafraichir les ordi qui chauffent?
T’as déjà passé la journée près de 60 ordinateurs qui envoie des coeurs ?
J’ai reçu ton sms: c’était humide.